*********************************** AM/FM ***********************************     KORG M1 TIPS!     for AM/FM by Pasi Kovanen    I've owned the Korg M1 synthesizer for a little over a year now and I think it's now time to share my experiences with the other owners of this worlds-best-selling-synth. Most of these tips can be quite simple and some of them may even be found in the manuals, but who bothers to read them anyway? (Remember the RTFM-error: Read The [sensored] Manual...) MIDI-USAGE Lets start with the first and the least: when you use M1 with a computer (read: Amiga)-sequencer, don't bother to use the M1 sequencer section but combination-sounds. You have 100 combis. Of course you can put splitted, layered etc. sounds there too but the most effective way to use combis is the following: Select a combination sound you don't need anymore. Push edit combi. Page 1-Combination type : multi. Page 2-Program select - here you can put different progs for different channels. You can do it at the combi-mode too. An asterisk (*) after the prog-number means that the program is selected in the prog-mode currently (so it's nothing serious...) Page 3-Midi Ch - here you select what midi-channels your programs will use. A letter "G" after the channel number means that the channel is the same as M1's Common Channel which can be selected in the global pages pressing GLOBAL-5. For MIDI-usage select separate channels for each programs, preferrably for the first program channel 1 and 8 for the last channel. So you can count the program's MIDI-channel in the combination mode just by looking at the position of the program in the page. If the third program-number in the row is I56 (I=internal, C=card) the MIDI-channel for that program is, of course, 3. Then edit the other pages, the effects and so on. When you're satisfied, press 9 and write the sound. Now you can output to MIDI with your Amiga in any channel from 1 to 8 and your synth will play! SYSEX You can make your days safer with SysEx. One uses SysEx (System Exclusive) to transfer sounddata from synth to computer and vice versa. With Amiga you can use for this operation eg TSX and RSX-programs. There are, though, some things to notify when playing with SysEx: 1. Put MIDI-channel in your M1 to 1 by pressing GLOB, 5 and selecting the channel. That's because, at least with the TSX and RSX, you must send the SysEx with the same channel you sent it to your Amiga. Well, I didn't know that four months ago when I first tried RSX and TSX. So I used RSX (Receive SysEx) to input SysEx to Amiga. I dumped it two times to be sure that the length of the file was right (sometimes few starting bits may be lost for some reason). Then I dumped it back to M1 with TSX (Transmit SysEx) and it worked. Now I loaded one card to M1 to listen the sequencer data. After that I wrote "tsx sound" in CLI. Nothing happened. WHAT? Oh now. This can't be true. All protections off, dozens of checkings. Nothing. SH*T! A call to the importer. No help. Then, after a few days, I loaded the SysEx-file to a text-editor and looked it closely. The first two bytes were B4. I dumped the card's including to Amiga. It said: B0. Check at the MIDI-channel. 1. I switched it to 5, transmitted sysex and... sighed in relief. Maybe I was stupid but at least with RSX/TSX you MUST send the data with the same channel you received it! Now a warning. ATTENTION! WHEN YOU SEND SYSEX-DATA TO M1 ALL FORMER DATA IN YOUR M1 WILL BE CLEARED! ALWAYS DUMP YOUR SOUNDS FROM THE GLOBAL PAGES TO YOUR AMIGA (SEND ALL DATA) BEFORE SENDING ANY SYSEX TO YOUR SYNTH OR YOU'LL BE SORRY! When you send sounds with TSX and your synth won't take them, don't panic. First, check the MIDI-channel in both in the M1 and in the dump. Send again. If it didn't work, push global and 6 and page -. Here is the MIDI filtering page. Set EXCL(usive):ENA. Try again. If it doesn't work, wait a week, eat lots of vegetables and try one more time. If there's no effect, I recommed a suicide or a 5-kilogram sledgehammer!-) UNDOCUMENTED THING From the importer (hello!) I got a "nice" tip: first, when you press two keys in the M1's control panel while turning the power on you get a number, which is #19 in my machine. Maybe it's the version of the operating system. And, pressing two other keys when starting up, the whole memory of the M1 will be cleared and there are presets which let you listen to all M1's multisamples without ANY effects! What these keys are, I don't tell them here, and I advise you not to search them, because when you clear the memory, you cannot get your sounds back without a SysEx-dump, which of course have to be made before the clearing! So before clearing memory or playing (I don't mean playing but PLAYING :) with your synth in any other way remember to dump your sounds to a safe disk where only viruses, coffee and cats can destroy them... Now it's your turn to send your M1 and other synths-tips to AM/FM! There are (at least) two things I'd like to get some information on in the M1. I hope somebody can help me. Here they come: 1) Are there any PD-/Shareware-/any other cheap M1-sound editors for the Amiga? [Ed: Yep! Check the Utilities section in this very issue! 2) Why there is some humming in the straight output-lines L/R/3/4 in the M1? The phones-output gives good voice. Have anyone else experienced something like that (my output's are not broken!)? I have 2 RCA-wires which include a RCA->plug (I'm not sure if that's called as "plug" in English but it's the "phones-style interface":) "converter". If I use it from CD to Amplifier it works just fine, if I put it to M1's phones it works fine but when I put it to those straight outputs it starts to hum. If you can help me with these problems, I can be reached at the following address. You can also contact me for swapping sounds or any other M1- stuff but not for illegal stuff or for any other Amiga-only-swapping, please! PASI KOVANEN ERÄMIEHENTIE 14 SF-48400 KOTKA FINLAND Or call in Finland: 952-282223 *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************